Product description
Microfiber with a twist!
The Cobra XtraFluff Blue Microfiber Wash Mitt combines two different microfiber blends for a unique microfiber wash mitt that will remove debris and contaminants from your paint without damage! With an interior seam, the Cobra XtraFluff GRAB15 Microfiber Wash Mitt fits two fingers on each side and promotes a strong grip. The white cuff fits snugly on your wrist and lets you wash your car without hassle! You've tried most of the microfiber wash mitts out there but you haven't tried anything like the Cobra XtraFluff Blue Microfiber Wash Mitt yet!
The tools you use to create that perfect finish are just as important as the products you use. If you have high-quality car wash shampoo, but a low-grade wash mitt, it doesn't matter how safely you wash the paint, you're chances of washing-induced swirls has gone up! The Cobra XtraFluff Blue Microfiber Wash Mitt features individual strands of microfiber, threaded through clumps" of super-soft, paint safe fabric both of which promote a clean surface!
Use the Cobra XtraFluff Blue Microfiber Wash mitt with a high foaming shampoo for an ultra-safe car wash! The long strands of the Cobra XtraFluff Blue Microfiber Wash Mitt grab onto surface debris and contaminants and gently pull them away from the surface. Once off the surface of your paint, the paint marring particles are held in the long fibers until safely removed in your rinse bucket. Regardless of what you're removing from your paint, be they bugs or mud, the Cobra XtraFluff Blue Microfiber Wash Mitt gets them off no problem
When used with a high-sudsing shampoo, like the Blackfire Wet Diamond Conditioning Shampoo, the Cobra XtraFluff Blue Microfiber Wash mitt glides effortlessly across your paint for a safe and effective car wash.
Made in Korea